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In today’s mortgage environment it’s getting harder and harder to purchase a home without a substantial down payment.
Lenders and PMI companies have tightened their guidelines to the point where it has become very difficult to buy a home with limited funds. However, there still are some programs and grants available that can be used to help a homebuyer purchase their dream home with little or no money. |

You just need to know where to look.
The purpose of this web site is to help potential homebuyers become aware of these options, and to point them in the right direction.
Inside this site you will find basic information about low down payment loans through government agencies like the Dept of Agriculture, HUD, The Veteran’s Administration, your State’s Dept of Community affairs, as well as bank sponsored low and moderate income loans.
You will also be able to see what grants – free money- are available to help you with the purchase. Knowing the options available to you will strengthen your position as a purchaser.
Even if you are not this type of home buyer, and have a large enough down payment for traditional conventional financing, this site can still be a useful source of information. There is a lot of basic mortgage information, so you will have a better understanding of what a lender will be looking for when they review your financials. I strongly suggest that you take your time and review all the information in this web site. Knowledge is a home buyer’s best asset.