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Should I have a Radon test performed?

Again, this is a question for your attorney. However, we will give our opinion….but not a legal opinion. 

Radon is a gas that naturally occurs in the soil in many areas of the nation. There are also areas of the nation where industrial waste was dumped in the early 1900’s. Certain types of waste have added to the amount of radon in the soil. However, in an area that has a high sand content in the soil, the radon usually dissipates naturally. In other areas where there are clay belts or rock shelves in the ground, it won’t dissipate as easy and lays as pockets of trapped gas in the ground. These areas are known as radon belts. 

If you are purchasing in one of these areas, and are buying a home with a basement, a radon test should be done. If radon is found is heavy concentrations, I would still buy the house, but make sure there is adequate vitalization in the basement for the radon to dissipate. Most home inspection companies can test for radon